An unpublished, unexpected and exceptional cantharus mint mark
Los 2579
Maximianus, first reign, 286-305. Antoninianus (Bronze, 23 mm, 3.04 g, 6 h), Rome, circa 290. IMP MAXIMI-ANVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximianus to right. Rev. VIRTVS AVGG / XX(cantharus)IA Hercules standing front, head to left, holding club in his right hand and trophy and lion's skin with his left. Cohen -, cf. 582. Hunter -. RIC -, cf. 515. Apparently unpublished and unique. An exceptional and unexpected issue with an intriguing officina mark. Minor traces of corrosion, otherwise, very fine.

Unlike in Greek and Roman provincial coinage, entirely new discoveries in the Roman imperial series are rare today (though they do occur, as evidenced by lot number 2604 below). The highly intriguing coin offered here offers a minor yet sensational detail: in the exergue, within the value mark XXI and officina mark A, it features a cantharus! Such a pictorial representation amidst the text in the exergue is entirely unique, though it may faintly recall the dolphin on Aurelian’s coins from an unknown Balkan mint. The artist's intention remains unclear, but the cantharus - a two-handled, cup-like drinking vessel of Greek origin - might allude to the legendary drinking prowess of Hercules, the divine companion of Maximian.
100 CHF
950 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 15-Jul-24, 13:30:00 CEST
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